Lessons from a Young Teacher

In “Progress, Not Perfection: Three Tips for Your Journey,” elementary school teacher Lisa Dabbs chronicles the struggles that she faced as a first-year teacher. Her heartfelt piece serves as a guide to help new teachers get off on the right foot this upcoming school year.

Ms. Dabbs begins the article by reminiscing about her painstakingly organized classroom and color-coded lessons, which she says led her to have “no fun, no life!” It wasn’t until her second year of teaching that she realized that her success as an educator would not come from focusing on perfection but rather from focusing on the kids and being mindful of the journey. Her insights go to show that the interactions a teacher has with his/her students is both the most important and rewarding part of the job as an educator.

These insights align with UClass’ aim to reduce planning time by giving teachers access to high quality content and allowing them to focus on what matters most — teaching. As UClass serves experienced teachers and new teachers alike, educators at all points in their careers can leverage and tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience of fellow teachers around the world. Through UClass’ vast collection of lesson plans, teachers can plan less and collaborate more, sharing valuable information with a new generation of learners, critical thinkers, and creators.


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UClass Named in the Top 100 Sites of 2012!


We are proud to report that UClass has been named one of the ‘Top 100 Sites and Apps of 2012’!

Tech & Learning serves the K-12 education community with practical resources and expert strategies for transforming education through integration of digital technologies.

It is nice to see the education community begin to take notice.

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UClass Hits Yahoo! & Albany News


We are proud to report that UClass has been featured in various online news stories today, including Yahoo! and the Albany Times Union. The articles focus on the recent TEDx Talk given by UClass founders in California, which centered around the need to tear down the classroom walls and open students’ eyes to the world around them.

Read the The Albany Times Union and Yahoo! News articles here!

Other news sources that we’ve recently been featured in include:


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UClass Founder Will Be On Startup Panel This Saturday!

This Saturday UClass Co-Founder, Christian Piña, will be a panelist at the Connecting Connectors Conference hosted by the CEO of Small Pond Enterprises in midtown Manhattan. Although the event is not free, it is definitely worth your while to check out if:

  • You love making introductions and connecting other people to one another
  • You have a very big address book
  • You often figure out ways to solve problems by bringing new people into the mix
  • You often take the time to introduce yourself on a train or when waiting in other communal areas
  • You’re curious how to make the most effective use of this gift

#ConnecterCon focuses on bringing people together for the purposes of sharing ideas, strategies, and connections to the benefit of the individual and society at large. It’s through this communal building and interaction that we can engage in collaborative projects and build relationships to try and find solutions to many of the world’s problems.

The event will include panelists and speakers from various fields . The keynote address will be given by Gray Scott, a futurist philosopher, speaker, transhumanist simulist, member of the World Futurist Society, and editorial director of SERIOUS WONDER.com.




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UClass Featured on Yahoo! News

We are proud to report that UClass has been featured on Yahoo! news in an article that highlights how students are using the online platform to discuss various current issues including the election, protests in the Middle East, and Hurricane Sandy. 

You can check it out for yourself HERE !

Other spotlights and shout-outs that we’ve recently received on the net:

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UClass Expands to K-2 & High School!

After just a few months of great success in connecting 3rd-8th grade classrooms around the world, we are proud to announce that UClass has expanded in both directions. Students in K-2 and high school classrooms can now add their voices to the global dialogue!

In addition to extending the age range of students who have the opportunity to access UClass, we have opened the conversation to give students and teachers more options. Rather than simply connecting with classrooms on their particular grade level, UClass is now organized into K-2, 3-5, middle school and high school networks. Now students have access to more classrooms from more locations and can encounter the ideas of students whom they can inspire and who will challenge them within developmentally appropriate groups.

Classrooms are already signing up for the new networks and steadfast UClass members are taking collaboration to new heights!

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UClass in 30 Countries, TEDx Picture & More!

As we near the end of October we are excited to give you a few UClass updates:

  • UClass is now in over 30 countries!
  • UClass is in 36 U.S. states
  • UClass will expand to include the whole K-12 grade level spectrum on Monday!
  • UClass is getting a slight revamp that will make it look prettier and work better. Watch for changes on the homepage, the profile page and the Projects page!
  • The first United Project is in full swing! Classrooms across the world are writing letters to their national candidates/leaders about issues that matter to them and sharing them on UClass

All of this means that everyday more and more students across the world can call themselves global citizens.

P.S. Here is a picture of co-founders Zak and Leah with the other TEDx speakers in California earlier this month. The video will be out shortly! 

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UClass Grows to Over 3,000 Users

October is turning out to be an incredible month as we just surpassed 3,000 users and have spread to a total of 29 countries!

Not only are we growing in classrooms around the world, but UClass is getting attention in the cyber world as fellow bloggers, educators, and edtech thinkers are catching on to our mission! We are always extremely thankful to have people who believe in global citizenship and in the importance of a fulfilling education. Thank you for your spotlight and let’s keep the momentum going! 

Check us out in:

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Look How Many Countries and States UClass Is In!

We are proud to announce that UClass is now being used on 6 continents, in 27 countries, and in 35 U.S. states with about 3,000 users.

UClass in 27 nations!

UClass in 35 U.S. States!

We have also had the honor of being published in educational blogs recently here and abroad. This great growth since the beginning of the school year is phenomenal and we are thankful for all of the amazing educators, writers, and thinkers we’ve met who are making the mission of connection and global citizenship a possibility. Let’s keep it going!

Check us out in:

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